Surge Generator for IEC 61000-4-5 Testing


surge generator

Surge Generator for IEC 61000-4-5 Testing

The SGIEC-645 is a state of the art, compliance level Surge Generator designed for IEC 61000-4-5 surge immunity testing. It is capable of generating both the 1.2/50, 8/20

  • Compliant with IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Waveform Requirements
    →1.2/50, 8/20 µs Combination Wave
    →10/700, 5/320 µs Combination (Telecom) Wave
  • Can be operated via front panel interface or \ remote PC through fiber optic interface with TransWare-645 software
  • Voltage (1000x1) and Current (100x1) Monitor Ports located on front panel.
  • Internal Power Line CDN (up to 16 Amps AC)
  • External Power Line CDNs Available with AC current ratings up to 100 Amps
  • Three-Year Warranty


Specifications for SGIEC-645 Surge Generator


surge generator specifications sheet

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