Passive Horn Antennas

Horn Antennas for Transmitting and Receiving

Use Com-Power horn antennas for emissions measurements and immunity testing. We offer both passive and active horn antennas and accessories for EMI testing. All of our horn antennas feature high gain and sensitivity, and our active configurations have a built-in preamp that you can connect directly to a spectrum analyzer.

wide band horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-118 is a broadband, double ridge guide horn antenna with excellent performance over the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz, and is usable as low as 700 MHz. As with all Com-Power double ridged horn antennas, the AH-118 is a reli...

horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-220 is a double ridge broadband horn antenna for EMC testing over the frequency range of 200 MHz to 2 GHz. It is primarily intended for MIL-STD-461, (RE102) radiated emissions t...

standard gain horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-640 is a standard gain horn antenna that offers excellent performance over the frequency range of 26.5 to 40 GHz, and is durable enough for both indoor and outdoor use. It can handle power levels up to 10 Watts with the waveguid...

high power horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-8055 is a high gain, broadband horn antenna for EMC testing over 800 MHz to 5 GHz, usable up to 6.5 GHz. Key features of the AH-8055 double ridge guide horn antenna include its transmit/...

standard gain horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-826 standard gain horn antenna offers excellent performance over the frequency range of 18 to 26.5 GHz. Com-Power standard gain horn antennas are used for emissions testing, and EMC radiated imm...

horn antenna


Com-Power's AH-840 is a broadband, double ridge guide horn antenna that offers excellent performance over the frequency range of 18 to 40 GHz. It combines the frequency range of AH-826 and AH-840 into a single antenna. A precisely tuned wavegu...


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