Power Supply Lines M Series CDNs

CDNs for single and three phase power

Coupling Decoupling Networks are recommenced for all power supplies immunity testing and the distubance signals are coupled to each conductor in the supply lines according to EN 61000-4-6 standard. The standard M series CDNs have a current rating of 25 Amps. However, Com-Power CDNs are available for power supplies for 50 Amps and 100 Amps from 2 to 4 conductors...

coupling decoupling network

CDN-M1100 - Single Line M Series Coupling Decoupling Network

Unscreened Power Supply Line. Single conductor power cable. Current Rating: 100 Amps (Max).

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Single conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network

CDN-M2100 - Coupling Decoupling Network for two-line power cable

Unscreened Power Supply Line. Two conductor power cable. Current (maximum continuous, per line): 100 Amperes.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Two conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Two conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Three conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Three conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling networks


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Four conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Four conductor power cable.

coupling decoupling network


Unscreened Power Supply Line. Five conductor power cable.


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